
Dr. JOY Martina

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What if is there is no problem?

Dear Reader! My husband Roy and I met at the Lighthouse yesterday to talk about THE PROBLEM... and discuss how we ourselves can often be the problem without realizing it! HERE'S the recording of our lively conversation, which had so many of you engaged and feeling inspired to redefine who you are in your relationships... and go for an UPGRADE by reconnecting with your authentic self. Thank you for your warm feedback and sweet messages! We spoke about ... ways to navigate conflict and...

about 1 year ago • 1 min read

Last night was special, Reader Not only was it 8/8/2022, the day that the Lions Gate Portal is fully open but we are also very close to the Super Full Moon on Thursday. The perfect time to tune into high vibrations - the golden frequencies of Abundance and your Highest Self - so you can manifest your heart's desires with more ease. Our Golden Mastermind was scheduled to gather and we decided to invite more people into our circle… and so many of you felt the calling to show up 🥰! I feel so...

over 1 year ago • 1 min read
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